Okay. This is awkward.
I'm supposed to write things here. But my last post is also my first post. :|

I'm kinda busy lately. And If I have some time I usually go to Twitter / Tumblr or just read books. I thought I can write something here. Even just bitching around about annoying muggles in my annoying muggle school. Yeah, I REALLY DID IT! Plotting words in my head, then always forget to put it here. --

But here I am now, remember to do it. Yeahahha. >:D
So I will write whats inside my thought lately that I still remember. In a row. IN A ROW. Yes, I will flood it all at once. Because of that reason above ^ haha.

And one more time, all you read here are just my thought, my opinion, etc etc no need to be so serious.

Well then I start it now. *le typing*


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1996's girl. A medical student, a doctor to be! Loves traveling, sleeping, reading, games, and trying something new. Once had a big obsession with Harry Potter and One Direction. Also is a pokemon trainer lol. My life is not perfect but my blessings outweigh my problem. :)