How I become so addicted to Harry Potter: Part 1


A lot of people start liking Harry Potter since the first time they know about it. Yet I'm not. Actually I'm ashamed to admit it but here we go, I'll tell this 100% honest.

The first time I heard the name "Harry Potter" I'm not really sure when, probably around 2001, when Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone came out. If that's right then I was 5. That time, there was a coloring contest in my grandfather's sister factory so my grandpa took me there to look around (I was my grandpa's fav grandchild lol :') ). I don't remember anything beside that so let's get straight to the next part I remember... I don't know what happened before but I started getting bored and so fussy asking my grandpa to go home. When we said goodbye to my grandfather's sister, she gave me some snacks and a DANIEL RADCLIFFE PENCIL BAG. Guess what I REFUSED the pencil bag and kept crying until they had to persuade me. Idk i was so stupid that time.

"Ini lho tak kasihi tempat pensil bagus ini. Gambarnya Daniel Radcliffe ini. Yang main Harry Potter. Suka Harry Potter nggak?"
("Here here, I give you this nice pencil bag. The picture is Daniel Radcliffe. That boy who played Harry Potter. You do like Harry Potter, don't you?" said my grandpa's sister.)

"Ho o ini bagus ini. Mau ya?
("Yeah! This is good! Want it?" my grandpa persuaded me too.)

I kept refusing it. And I said I DON'T LIKE HARRY POTTER. #woooo  #letsseeyearslater
But I hadn't watch the movie that time so I honestly don't know anything about Harry Potter, and I can understand why I could say that. Hahahahh. I will tell you about the first time I watch Harry Potter movies later.
Now back to the persuading things... Finally I accepted it (thanks God). Then I said thank you. Then I went home. And now I'm so grateful I accepted that. Because it means it's my first ever Harry Potter merchandise. It's really hard to find something Harry Potter in where I live nowadays so every Harry Potter merchandise means a lot. :)

I'll continue the story later in a new post :)


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1996's girl. A medical student, a doctor to be! Loves traveling, sleeping, reading, games, and trying something new. Once had a big obsession with Harry Potter and One Direction. Also is a pokemon trainer lol. My life is not perfect but my blessings outweigh my problem. :)