J.K Rowling: Billionaire to Millionaire


J.K Rowling: Billionaire to Millionaire
“One of the world’s wealthiest women, J.K Rowling, has given so much money to charity she can no longer claim billionaire status.
The Harry Potter author has fallen down the Forbes rich list because of her charitable giving, the business magazine said.”

Just one more reason why JK Rowling will forever be a hero, an inspiration. :')

One Direction X Factor Video List

I decided to make a post about this so I don't have to re-open youtube and spend minutes re-searching these videos. lol.

Liam: Cry Me a River

Harry: Isn't She Lovely

Niall: So Sick

Unfortunately I can't found Louis and Zayn's full audition video. But here the short one.

Louis: Hey There Delilah

Zayn: Let Me Love You

Judges' Houses:

The X Factor Performances:
Week 1: Viva La Vida

Week 2: My Life Would Suck Without You

Week 3: Nobody Knows

Week 4: Total Eclipse of the Heart

Week 5: Kids in America

Week 6: Something About The Way You Look Tonight

Week 7: All You Need is Love

Week 8: Summer of 69 & You Are So Beautiful

Week 9: Only Girl In The World & Chasing Cars

Week 10: Your Song, She's The One, & Torn

Video Diaries:
Week 1

Week 2

Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10

Idea for the Future

In the future, there should be:

  1. Glasses that can take pictures of what we see like cameras.
  2. Glasses that can adjust with our vision (the plus, minus, and astigmatism) so we don't have to buy a new one when it changes.
  3. Anti-waterdrops glasses, so we don't have to wipe our glasses from rain drops on rainy days.
  4. Laptop that wont hurt our eyes even when we're on it for 24 hours.
  5. Poster that could talk and move like the pictures in Harry Potter. Just imagine you're talking to your favourite artist or talking to fictional character!
  6. A machine or something that makes us able to teleport/apparate.

-add more when I have new ideas

    About Me

    Hey, vas happenin'?
    My name is Mona.
    I'm 15, was born on October 14th 1996.
    I live in Indonesia. (read: Narnia)
    I'm a crazy hardcore Potterhead and Directioner.
    I also adore Owl City, Logan Lerman, Taylor Swift, and Justin Bieber.
    I'm rather shy if you don't know me well, but I'm really loud when I'm with my friends or family.
    And I love to make new friends. So let's be friends. :P

    Me on Twitter: @HoranHogwarts --> random & close friend,  @crucioedsoul --> school friends.
    Me on Tumblr: amazingbouncing-ferret --> personal but mostly Harry Potter blog,  fabulouistomlinson --> One Direction blog.

    That's all. I add more of this when I remember something. :)

    Okay. This is awkward.
    I'm supposed to write things here. But my last post is also my first post. :|

    I'm kinda busy lately. And If I have some time I usually go to Twitter / Tumblr or just read books. I thought I can write something here. Even just bitching around about annoying muggles in my annoying muggle school. Yeah, I REALLY DID IT! Plotting words in my head, then always forget to put it here. --

    But here I am now, remember to do it. Yeahahha. >:D
    So I will write whats inside my thought lately that I still remember. In a row. IN A ROW. Yes, I will flood it all at once. Because of that reason above ^ haha.

    And one more time, all you read here are just my thought, my opinion, etc etc no need to be so serious.

    Well then I start it now. *le typing*

    About Me

    My photo
    1996's girl. A medical student, a doctor to be! Loves traveling, sleeping, reading, games, and trying something new. Once had a big obsession with Harry Potter and One Direction. Also is a pokemon trainer lol. My life is not perfect but my blessings outweigh my problem. :)